Women’s Council ~ Sisterhood

Daughters- of – Zion- Council of Women:

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 (The Matriarchal Council)


  1. Young Women (Maiden) -12-18 years old- have initiation into the sisterhood-ceremony of young women. 
  2. Mother or mother of the community for women who can’t have children. She can adopt the orphans of the community,as well as mothers who have children. There should be no orphans in the community. 18-50 years old-Get married ceremony.
  3. Grandmother (Matriarch) ceremony of being a leader- gets to give “ Grandmother Blessings to the Mothers and Young Women.


Elected Board of all three generations: by the assembly of the women to represent the women of the community.

  1. Young Women- (Maiden) 12-18 years old- three young women are elected.
  2. Mother or Mother of the community -three are elected.
  3. Grandmothers (Matriarchs)- three are elected 


Everyone woman 18+ has one vote when they get to be an adult. The young women have one  vote if it affects them in their lives in the community.The young women are not full status in the community. They are learning to be adults. The young women are trained by the mothers and grandmothers in the community on how to lead and be a leader.

The grandmothers are the judges of the community they have the final say if their is a tie vote. They have lived longer and have more wisdom.

The women are elected to the board 1-3 years. Max three years. Everyone gets a turn being leaders there is no hierarchy in the women’s council. All work for the benefit of each other. They are cooperative. Everyone rotates so everyone gets a turn in the community leading and serving their fellow community members. No one is voted on popularity. They will be chosen by lot or lottery or sticks in the hat.  Everyone gets a turn on the Women’s Council. There is no respecter of persons. No caste or class system.The spirit will decide whose turn it is to lead. All women have stewarships and they all decide with the Council what needs to be done in their community.

If parents die in the community the Joint Council should decide where the children go. And the children have a say in the matter who should be their parents. The community should get revelation on the matter. They should try to keep the children together if they are able so the siblings can grow up together. So they will be adopted into the new family.

All the women of the community take care of the sick and the needy they administer the surplus of the store- house for those in need.

They run the schools, hospitals, etc. in tandem with the men in the Joint Council of “ One Heart” Whatever the community needs. The women’s stewardship is the elderly, young children, the poor, the sick, and the needy. They are the healers like Heavenly Mother. We pattern the women after her. They are striving to be like her in their words and deeds, as well as being like their Heavenly Father and Savior in attributes. They look to all three. They are the daughters of Eve so their natures are like Heavenly Mother. They care and nurture and love and take care of the home and the community centers. That is their role and sphere.

Continue to the Joint Council  ~ The Council of One Heart