
Gathering of Women’s Councils as the Nemenhah People …

How They Choose Their Council

Volume 1 pg. 6 25-26. [The Mentinah Archives]

“We have seen how even those chosen by the people to become judges might become unjust, if the people fall into wickedness. Wherefore, we chose and designated our wives as those who would choose the judges and that no action would be decided by one judge but by a council of judges and this way if the judges became unjust it is only because the whole people have fallen into wickedness for our wives have always been more meek and more naturally prone to righteousness than our men. Verily, men have need of physical strength and will often become puffed up in that strength and use it to rule over others, but the mother’s strength is in their children. Wherefore, do they more often choose according to that which is better for the little ones. This is wisdom and because of this we have seen less strife than the Nephites in the land southward.”

Following the Pattern

As Daughters of Zion have chosen to set up our organization following the pattern of the Nemenhah people. We choose Yeshua/ Jesus, as our Spiritual leader. To direct our activities and our service to others, as we seek his face in our every endeavor, as we prepare our Temples to become Zion.

Using the pattern setup by the Nemenhah people, and worked for them for many generations, we have chosen to follow their pattern as a template for organizing The Daughters of Zion, 

How their Councils are set up

There is no hierarchy in the community. It is run by the councils: Priesthood Councils, Women’s Council and the Joint Council of the community. All three have their stewardships and responsibilities. You can review the basic template on the links below

Council of Women:  Daughters- of – Zion-  (The Matriarchal Council)

Joint Council ~The Council of One Heart~United Joint Council of Men and Women