Our Vision

Each Of the sects of the Restoration are Facets in the Diamond that makes up the whole of the Restoration Movement. We see each of these facets, not in opposition to each other, nor mutually exclusive. We see them as the greater Unity behind each individual expression. In this greater Unity we transcend our differences and embrace a higher vision as each one brings their unique gifts to the table to contribute to the whole. This is a Restoration-wide movement of Women, Our aims and purposes and will be determined by those who are part of the ground-floor, grass roots movement. a Sisterhood of Love and support. we want your input.

Our Mission & Purpose:

Many aspects of  of our Mission and purpose have already been presented as part of the overall concepts and inspiration of our desire for what we envision for the Daughters Of Zion.

As Daughters of Zion we actively support the Priesthood in every branch of the Restoration Movement. We seek to offer ways we can assist them and support them in the Work they have been called to for their specific offices as they serve the membership as well as the families whether they are members or not.

We see the greater service we can offer as women and mothers is nurturance, a quality unique to the Divine feminine.